Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunset Silhouette

"Sunset Silhouette" 7.5" x 7.5"
It was time for another one of my feathered friends! One
of our Vermont galleries is hosting a Feather, Fin and Fur
show this I shall try to participate with some of my
rooster paintings. Theme shows are always interesting, because
you get to see so many different interpretations of a theme.
Should be fun to see a whole room dedicated to critters and ofcourse
in all sorts of different media. It's only February, but once you start
thinking about the upcoming show schedule..time will get eaten up
fairly quickly. Unfortunately galleries are closing all around due to
the dire economic times...I shall do my best to support the ones that
remain open!


  1. Oh you know I love this one! Good luck with the show. This one should do well.

  2. Looks fantastic!

    I love roosters and have a lot of great ref pics - maybe I'll have to start one soon! (I am just terrible with feathers though!)


  3. This is a real beauty!! Love your roosters!!!!
