Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Striped cloth

"Striped Cloth" 22" x 15"
For my regular style and color selection, this
is a very subdued palette choice. Almost too pale.
But the fun part of this painting were the stripes. I love
having a striped cloth to's very challenging. But
you can have some fun and exaggerate your point of view.
That's one thing that'll always be unique to you...your
perspective and how you compose your paintings.
Push some boundaries, be bold, make a statement!
It's what I say in my workshops: "it's just some paper and some pigment!"


  1. Beautiful work! I want to try some of your layering technique.

    Thanks for replying on my blog. I sent my workshop inquiry yesterday via your Website contact reply form. It would have been approximately 6:30 or 7 pm. your time.

  2. I bought four pieces of stripped fabric today for some paintings I'm thinking of doing, too. (It's the only way I can depict realistic folds!) The abstract, layered look of your paintings is just beautiful. It's always a treat to see your new work.

  3. It turned out really well. It's good to push the boundaries.
