Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blush of pink

Hollyhocks have been on the brain..I've taken some
pictures around, because they are out and blooming
right now...I got a new camera for Christmas and it's
small and can put it in your pocket, so I
find myself hardly ever without, which is a good thing for
recording the seasons of flowers. My reference file is growing
and I should be able to get through the winter with plenty of
material to paint...winter, winter, it's just starting to look like summer!
(as one fellow blogger pointed out the other day...some of you are
enjoying winter right now!)


  1. Beautiful hollyhocks as are all your flowers. I go off that road (florals) once in awhile and find myself drawn back to it. Thank you so much for sharing, your work inspires and gives me a push to try to do better.
