Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Orange multi study

As promised the multi study series of oranges. I had done
a whole bunch of these about ten years ago when I was at
a week long artist residency. I had set up a still life and then
divided a half sheet of watercolor paper in random squares
and rectangles with artist tape, trying to vary the shapes
and sizes. Then I painted across the paper focusing in on
different sections of the still life, while trying to think of all
the smaller images as still part of a whole and make the
composition(s) work. Color, design, shapes etc..
It's a workout for your brain and brush!
I've tried this exercise with some of my workshop participants.
It's fun to try..somehow it makes you less concerned with
trying to end up with one "finished" painting.


  1. This is an effective exercise. Really stretches the imagination and forces you to consider so many different viewpoints about a single object. Nice!

  2. Terrific idea and I really like your rendering.

  3. This is a fantastic example of a multi-study. I love it.

  4. This is a precious painting and will give so much life to any place you hang it eventually!

  5. What a great idea, I love these! Your work is beautiful.
