Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fifth and Final

"Burgeoning Blossoms" 15" x 22"
Here is the last painting in the line-up of my latest show here in Northern Vermont...This one is quite bright, but also very drippy and spontaneous. I actually painted the entire painting with a flat brush, which is very unusual for me, since I mostly paint with a number 12 round. I set up my easel in this wonderful Peony garden, where I have taught a workshop these last two years...I'm trying to figure out the date for the 3rd annual peony painting workshop for 2010. It has to coincide with the peak season of the flowers being in bloom and then I also have to keep in mind the possibility of bad weather and securing the indoor classroom at the church where they have the lovely peony gardens...Hopefully in the next two months I'll get it organized.


Linda said...

It's lovely, Annelein! I'd love to attend your Peony workshop....hmmm!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I would too. This is a beauty.