Thursday, September 30, 2010


This piece was done the same day as the little landscape two posts ago. Can you tell what it is? I try really hard to "tweak" my personal vision when I look at a particular set-up...going for a slightly unique approach, close-up, vertical, color etc.. just different enough to break away from the "norm" or "obvious" interpretation of the subject. (hopefully:)


Gretchen Bjornson ART said...

Covered bridge? By the way, what red did you use for the building?

Barbra Joan said...

You accomplished all of that .'different'unique' etc.

love your greens BTW

Barbra Joan said...

and forgot to mention... color and what made this? the touch of purple below the fence... it's obvious yes, but its 'the spot"

Annelein said...

Thanks Gretchen and Barbra Joan..the red is a combination of Cadmium Red Medium and touches of Alizarin and some Deep Red (Schmincke or Sennelier?) I have on my palette. The purple is Alizarin with Ultramarine..and yes it's a covered bridge!