This calendar is out there in the retail market somewhere right now, which is very exciting...I happened to find this one at Homegoods! I wish I knew which stores were carrying this calendar...I come to an agreement with my licensing agent for the use of my images for a particular product and that's where it ends...so if you find these items in and around your neighborhood, let me know so I can tell folks where they can buy this calendar! This is the backside....sorry for the crooked picture..
Wow thats too bad that they would then use your beautiful work for other things without you knowing. Now what?
These are gorgeous roosters by the way.
Just to clarify...I know what products they use my work for...I just don't know in which stores those products get sold..from small Mom and Pop to big box...
I would be quite tickled to have a project like this calendar licensed. Good job, Annelein. Your flock looks fanatastic together.
I'm just awed that you have a licensing agent! Congratulations on this gorgeous calendar. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it myself!
I love your roosters and I'm going to Home Goods tomorrow to buy one!! Congratulations!!
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