Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pink Orchids

"Pink Orchids" 7.5" x 7.5"
These small paintings are fun to do, but sometimes can be
challenging. I'm so used to working on a half sheet (22" x 15"),
that switching to a small piece of paper can be difficult. I really
enjoy working with large brushes and lots of pigment, but I am
forced to change it up for these "micro" paintings. Smaller brush,
but I can still manage a lot of color and lots of water. I find myself
using this format often for my roosters. This Sunday is the Fall meeting
of the Vermont Watercolor should be a fun one! Plus I am
going to stop by the Middlebury Frog Hollow and change up some
paintings, so they have some fresh work of mine heading in to the
holidays...two birds with one tank of gas!


Anonymous said...

This one is absolutely adorable ! I just love the 7.5 x 7.5 paintings and I can see where it may be a real challenge. Keep them coming.

A Brush with Color said...

Beautiful! I love it!

Nancy Eaton said...

I found your blog on the DSFDF blog, and I just love the way you paint!