Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Work

"Voluptuous" 22"x10"
This piece is in my solo show at the
Southern Vermont Arts Center. I also
changed my profile picture to one that
was taken at the opening of the show of me
standing next to this painting. It's interesting
how it gives the perspective and how large
the piece is compared to my head! ha ha...


Galya said...


cathyswatercolors said...

Another beauty. Your painting appears to be 2 heads in length and one head in width:)! Love all of your work wish I lived close enough to attend a workshop. Maybe when I retire:)

Or maybe you could do a dvd or book?

Cynthia said...

This is a gorgeous Iris!!!Just love your negative painting and the dark background against the white of the flower.

CHummelKornell said...

I so enjoy your work.

Vicki Greene said...

Paintings like this are why I love watercolor! Beautiful.

vanina barañao said...

beautiful work!

Karen Bruson said...

Beautiful iris. I like the balance of white paper left at the bottom and center of flower compared with the darks on top. Leaving white paper must take some control. The colors on the petals flow so beautifully into one another.

Fernando Pena said...

Beautiful work, a blog to follow...