Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Set up

This was a picture I took after I painted the bouquet of
purple tulips...I have a pencil box full of creative implements
and a teeny watercolor travel set. It's about all you need.
Off to a board meeting for the VT WC Society today..
getting ready for the fall meeting next month.


Anonymous said...

I need inspiration and you are full of it ~ inspiration and talent that is.
I have just started painting with oils and I am sort of depressed going through a lot of oil colours and ending up with a muddy situation. I think I will start to alternate back to water colours, the lightness, and then back to oils. Beautiful rooster paintings and pasture with shed or barn, I love those!

vanina barañao said...

beautiful composition of the photograph,
beautiful work tulips!

Diane said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!

Nikira said...

Beautiful work. I like freshness of your colors and your work tools. What watercolor set you are using? How many pans fits in?I like Shin Ganzai from Holbein, but they don't sell it here anymore.. .and it is not that small.

A Brush with Color said...

I love photos that incorporate all the makings of the painting--this is gorgeous, Annelein.

Barbra Joan said...

I believe that could be a Bijou Art Box ?? I pray for one to fall out of the sky one day. If its not a Bijou, I want one anyway!

Annelein said...

I actually have an old Winsor Newton Bijou box that holds 18 colors! They don't make that one anymore either..I got that during my years managing an art store... wonderful perks! Thanks for all your comments...

DALowe Artist said...

This is a beautiful and very creative photo!